Friday, 17 September 2021

Quick Training Session.

This is going to be a very short post - I'm working the late shift at work, which is a 1230hrs start and a 2100hrs finish. So a quick blast training session done, and here it is:

Warm Up:

5 x 10 push ups -> 10 Mountain Climbs -> 10 Body squats. (three exercises = one set)

3 x 20 Bent over rows with dumbbells - I use incline bench to rest chest so to isolate movement.
3 x 12 Superman - hold for a slow 12 count, rest for a 12 count.
3 x 20 Tricep kick-back (10 reps left, 10 reps right)
3 x 10 Farmer's Squats with Hammer curl (1 squat into hammer curl, repeat)
3 x 20 Lateral dumbbell raise.

Optional - Exercise Bike 30 minutes (fat burning).


So I leave you with Hooverphonic, and 'The Night Before'. Enjoy. Until next time.

Friday, 10 September 2021

Dragon Warriors, The Watermill - Session #13

Copyright © 2021 M.Kelly
Dragon Warriors is a fantasy role playing system dating back to the 1980s. It's the first system I've ever run consistently with a regular group of friends / players.

I took a rather long break from running a regular game session - it used to be every Sunday evening without fail, kicking off at 1800hrs, sometimes earlier, depending on the routines people had for the following Monday. We'd normally end a session around 2200 - 2300hrs, accordingly.

I have to say, those are some of the best memories I have of my life; friends gathered round my table, laughing, joking, sharing adventures together and forgetting the outside world for a while, as their alternate egos / characters, travelled over hills, through forests, villages and towns, exploring the dark, dank depths of a dungeon or crypt, daring to enter the larger, more densely populated cities, whilst seeking to earn fame and coin for deeds untold, some even heroic.