Thursday 19 January 2017

In Memory

Copyright ©2017
Today I found myself thinking of an old pal of mine who I lost touch with and some years ago discovered that he had passed away. Every now and then I think of Alun and the fun times we shared together and with our group of friends. Our training as squad mates in the Cardiff Swimming Club, the summer days spent at Southerndown Beach, and the crazy bike rides we'd go on every day during the summer holidays before our 2 hour training sessions at the National Sports Centre and Empire pool.

I miss him and often wonder what his life would have been like if it hadn't gone all so wrong for him and I had been a better friend and hadn't lost touch.

So, this is dedicated to those whom we have loved and have since passed over to a better place, be they family, friends and even those beloved pets who became our closest companions.

Let this be a positive meditation in memory of them, recalling everything positive, everything happy and, if you are of the mindset that has a belief in the afterlife, to that day when we shall all meet again.

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